Saturday, October 29, 2011

week one blog two

Post one recommendation per technology on how to have your school “accept with enthusiasm” these new technologies. Envision that you are giving advice to the school administrators/school board/PTA on how to integrate emerging technologies into the school curriculum.

1. Mobile Computing - Most mobile phones come with bluetooth.  With bluetooth it is possible to share files automatically, without Internet connection, to many people in a short period of time.  Bluetooth can then be hooked from a mobile phone and uploaded to a computer.  This is a good way for students to receive assignments.  This connection would be done directly in the classroom so there is no room for email and Internet excuses.

2. Open Content - With open content it is easy to compare lesson plans and requirements between districts and also gain tips and tricks from wealthier communities that can afford to do more research on learning abilities and disabilities. 

3. Electronic Books -  With electronic books available, students will not have to carry around heavy books, preventing Scoliosis.  E-Books are also more affordable when it comes to pricing and can be toted anywhere for homework on the go.

4. Simple Augmented Reality -  Augmented reality has been made much more accessible to students and educators recently and since most people already have smart phones or laptops the shift would not require much effort.

5. Gesture-Based Computing - These devices are excellent for children who play too many video games and sit around all day.  These devices provide some physical activity and exercise that children require.  These can be brought into a classroom on a rainy day when children cannot go outside for recess.  The games also are strong builders for hand eye coordination.

6. Visual Data Analysis - The product itself promises to make it possible for anyone to sift through, display, and understand complex concepts and relationships.  These can very easily become integrated into a Mathematics classroom and help students immensely with problem solving.

week one blog one

Write three "learnings/insights” that you will incorporate into your life as an educator.   Write one paragraph per learning by stating the learning, reference/cite what Friedman stated that is important, and then how will you incorporate your learning into your teaching. 
Be specific with at least two examples of how you will incorporate your learnings as an educator into your school environment.
1. I believe it is important to challenge my students.  Without being presented with a somewhat forceful push, students may never realize what they can do.  Art isn't learned, it's a natural ability that can be enhanced with practice.  When students do not have that desire for practice, a challenge must be presented to get them to practice.  In 2007 Friedman stated, America was going to be challenged, but, he insisted, the challenge would be good for America because we are always at our best when we are being challenged.  I firmly believe we are always at our best when being challenged.  As a teacher, I am strongly determined to push my students to their maximum potential and I believe the best way to do that is by challenging them.

2. To get to this point took a lot of new software innovation piled on the shoulders of earlier innovations (Friedman, 2007)  Thinking about this quote really made me realize that technology is an ever evolving thing.  There is no end to it.  What we thought was the top of the line is now a mere foundation for bigger and better things.  Students should learn to evolve with technology so that they can adapt to our new technological world.  Without knowledge of how a calculator works, you can never figure out a computer. If you cannot xerox a flyer, then you will never be able to scan something into a computer and Photoshop it. I realize that since the world as a whole depends on technology so much, it is vital for students to learn how to use it as well. 

3. I enjoy tangible items.  Personally, technology frightens me.  With the internet growing by the minute, books become forgotten.  But there are images, videos, books, even from ages ago, that will now be searchable (Friedman, 2007).  This quote really stuck with me.  It made me realize that the books are not going away, they are just changing location.  It is important for me to bring these things that we could not see before into the classroom.  Through the internet, I can discuss with my students history through art.  Online, it is possible to take virtual tours of museums that my students will never be able to afford to visit.  There are many sources through the internet for me to bring into the classroom.

This is my first post!

this is my first blog post!